
Sattal is a paradise destination adorned with seven impressive lakes, and its presence is naturally named this tourist attraction. Located in the Nainitar district, 1219 meters above sea level in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, it is a natural paradise, a refuge for migratory birds, and is home to fascinating landscapes and thriving green oak and pine trees. increase. As the name of the town suggests, Sattal is an interesting cluster of seven interconnected lakes at an altitude of 1370 m above sea level. The water source for these lakes is an underground fountain, named after a Hindu mythical figure. The names of these lakes are Ram Tal, Lakshman Tal, Sita Tal, Nal Damyanti Tal, Panna Tal, Purna Tal, and Sukha Tal. Subhash Dhara is a natural freshwater spring concentrated in dense oak forests. The pristine clear waters attract many tourists and provide visitors with an unforgettable sight. The Butterfly Museum is one of the best tourist attractions in Sattal and consists of about 2500 species of butterflies and 1100 species of insects. This place attracts many nature lovers all year round.